Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cat or Lioness?

cat or lioness?

one has completely lost the bits and pieces of self-esteem that one had.
one is so inferior as to what might come of her. 'lost in thoughts', so it's said to be.
But what is on that mind? What?
only i know.
only you know what heights can your mind go to.

only you.

and when it does, it somewhat tears a wound open. a wound that perhaps that was never meant to heal.

beauty comes from within.
it is time one realized that.
physical judgement is the worst judgement of mankind.
one has no more to give.
for He often let those who stand back to cruise through but those who claw their fingers to get to His pen; fall and bleed before getting there.

i agree whole-heartedly.
for i who is writing.

cat or lioness?


for now.


  1. lion on bed for sure wife.

  2. heeeh.
    you should by now that im not affected by words on the screen.
    actions speak louder :P come you havent deleted the old blogg yet.
